The Dada assignment, in my eyes, is a chance for me to utilise some extrovert software, such as Studio Artist, in cohesion with my introvert way of doing things.

With the assignment that we are undergoing, I plan to utilise Studio artist to enhance dance and body movement. I look forward to accessing the vast amounts of effects that the program has to offer.

screen-shot-2016-12-08-at-13-25-27Studio Artist Interface/Layout.

It was interesting to analyse, that the format and interface of Studio Artist was very similar to the Adobe creative Suite softwares, more specifically Adobe Photoshop. The process of manipulation and editing with Studio Artist, seemed daunting initially, but once i got the grasp of how to import my clips and add the varying effects, I gradually became more comfortable with the process.

Screen Shot 2016-12-08 at 13.23.03.png

Final Cut Pro 10 Interface/Layout during the editing phase of my Dada File

Once the frames had rendered, I transferred the final export across to Final Cut Pro, in order to add more manipulation and to primarily extend the 10 second footage to 30 seconds.

Above is the original 10 second clip that I chose to manipulate through Studio Artist. As you can see, it is a Medium-Long shot captured in day light.

Above is the completed submission for the Dada Mock Project. As you can see, there is a clear difference in comparison to the original 10 second piece. The effect that I chose to utilise in Studio Artist, was the effected coded T-Diff1 4 (426), under ‘Temporal Image Operation’. Not only does it transform the videos saturation from coloured/Daylight to Black & White/Darkness, It also added a jerky/robotic effect to the piece, which particular complimented the Dance and body movement the video originally exposed.

All in all i was happy with the outcome of the final export, but I would also like the opportunity to experiment the various effects with different types of compositions and body movement . The more practice is get on this appliance the better and sharper I hope I will get.

Visual Highlights from the ZERO DADA Interim Presentation

It was interesting to analyse, that there was quite a lot of fascination from the Chinese Students whilst my DADA piece was being projected. I primerily  put this down to the effect, I chose to adopt on Studio Artist. They could have also been captivated by the Body movements of the subject in my piece. I also noticed that whilst my DADA project was being projected on the university walls, it wasn’t really clear to see. This was due to the low contrast and dark colours used in the piece. I will bare this nation in mind for the next projects that we embark on.

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