“Final Submission for Motion Project”

For once in my life, I am actually lost! The Isadora program has startled me and caught me of guard. The Analytic’s and Interface remind me of a written program for a PIC electronic chip (Micro electronic chip). I wasn’t the greatest at programming then and I’m still not the greatest now.  I believe it will take me a while to grasp the process, but once I have overcome the initial fear & hiccups, I will be able to explore the creative benefits of this program and potentially implement it into my future projects.

I Chose to shoot my piece in the style of a Dance/Music Video. This is because I come from a back ground filled with music and natural rhythm, so this piece demonstrates the intricacy of cutting to the beat of the music, which in its self creates its own notion of dynamism. Furthermore, I also Chose to use a piece of music from the “Afrobeat” genre of music, due to the ambience I believe it creates for the dancers/performers and also the percussion instruments used in the beat of the track acts as a easy indicator to cut-to during the editing stage.


The Process of this Project has taught me to be open minded to new tools and concepts. It has taught me to engage further in understanding new ways to  innovative all my work. After countless hours of trying to grasp Isadora, I finally and inevitably retreated back to using FCP (Final Cut Pro) and its trusted bank of captivating effects. By using these effects,

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I am able to recreate similar effects to that of Isadora and Studio Artist 5.  In Overall Reflection of The piece, I believe Isadora has clearly introduced me to new creative tools which can enhance my overall skillset, Not only in film but in project and concept creation. It Also allowed me to come across some gems on FCP which i didn’t know were there

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